MBL 121 to full range speaker

Would like to receive recommendations on possible upgrade to full range speakers. I am living in an apartment so speaker selection would have to fit this constraint. The MBL 116 is an obvious selection keeping to the MBL sound which I certainly enjoy but I would like to especially hear from others who have found other speaker makes that I should consider.

BTW, I have Rowland electronics (synergy 2i/501/PC1) with MBL 1511/1521 DAC&Transport.

Sound different than MBL, but in the same "neighborhood". Depending on budget and room size - you might consider their floorstanders or sub/sats. Both types available direct from Ohm Acoustics with money back in-home trial.

Good Luck

Yeah, I've heard mbls and can honestly say the OHMs are certainly competitive at a minimum and do a lot of the same things for a fraction of the cost.
I too own the 121 monitors, and am likely going to get one or two subwoofers to go with them. If you are keen on getting full range speakers, you might consider German Physiks. They seem really interesting. The driver used is similar to the one used by Walsh, but seems more advanced (although the speakers are far more expensive than Walsh).
We were just recently informed that OHM now has a distributor in Germany and seems ready to take on MBL and German Physiks in their home turf.

OHM uses the omnidirectional Walsh driver for most of the audio range except the very top end.

German Physiks uses their variation of the omni Walsh driver (DDD) primarily for the top end and leave the low end to more conventional drivers in most models. MBL is similar I believe using their own proprietary omni driver technology. The very expensive 101s use the unique MBL bass driver.

Blue Circle's new Penny loudspeaker is using the OHM Walsh driver for all but the low end.

The original OHM A and F is still the only speaker that used a single Walsh driver for the entire range, but that design was problematic from a reliability perspective in that the driver was easily damaged if overdriven. That is a shortcoming that nobody has ever been able to overcome, it seems.

OHM elected to elimitate the delicate part of the Walsh driver that delivered the top end.

German Physiks elected to keep the Walsh design for the top end but move the low end to other conventional drivers so as not to expose the DDD to the same stress as was problematic in the original full range OHM Walsh drivers.

Another unique thing about the OHMs is their scalability to different room sizes. The same basic design is used throughout the line and larger models for larger rooms use a larger driver. The sound does not change much though from model to model fitted properly to room size. That's quite a trick!

Prices start at about $1000/pair and go up to $6000 or so for the largest models.

Full range MBLs or GErman Physics are in the $30000 range and up new I believe.

These guys are new and have their own design based on the Ohm A and F:
