MBL 121 to full range speaker

Would like to receive recommendations on possible upgrade to full range speakers. I am living in an apartment so speaker selection would have to fit this constraint. The MBL 116 is an obvious selection keeping to the MBL sound which I certainly enjoy but I would like to especially hear from others who have found other speaker makes that I should consider.

BTW, I have Rowland electronics (synergy 2i/501/PC1) with MBL 1511/1521 DAC&Transport.
I haven't heard OHM, but I can say MBLs are amongst the best speakers I've heard. I love that omnidirectional sound! Just the wide, holographic expanse of the soundstage is phenomenal. I'm definitely interested in hearing an OHM demo myself, now, if they can provide similar performance for a "fraction of the cost".

OHm provides a generous in-home audition program, which is the best way to evaluate speakers.

When I heard the mbl 111s, I was actually expecting to hear a bigger difference than I did.

That's not to say that the sound was the same, because there were clear differences just terms of the listening room, setup, and associated electronics with the MBLs I heard versus my OHMs in my house. Also, nobody will mistake OHMs for MBLs in regards to appearance.

In terms of imaging, detail, and soundstage, they sound more alike than different. In terms of timbre, there are clear differences that I could attribute a good portion of to room configuration and acoustics and associated eletronics.

Also, off the cuff, I would give the edge to the OHMs in terms of tight, clear bass and dynamics and impact over the 111s. Against the 101s? That might be a different story. I've have never heard 101s.

I would say the MBLs were set up at the dealer in a near optimal configuration with only the best electronics huge SS MBL monoblocks) and source units (reel to reel, vinyl, and CD) driving them.

If you look at my system, you will see it is considerably more modest and ordinary in setup, still, what I hear at home on my OHM 5s in that room is more similar than not to what I heard with the MBLs, and I do not feel handicapped at all. To the contrary, I feel very delighted that my modest system can even compete with what I heard in the dealer's listening room.
To my ear, 101s and 111s sound vastly different (as do 116s and 121s with a sub). Before I bought Ohms, I auditioned all of the MBL models at 2 different dealers. I don't have space for 101s and their tonal balance isn't precisely what I'm seeking and the price tag is daunting, ...but they truly induce LUST! The 101s may have certain issues, but they are a singular sounding product.


Did you find the tonal balance of the 101s much different than 111s?

I found the 111s tonally different from teh OHMs but I was not sure how much of that to attribute to the difference between the 800w/ch MBL SS monoblocks and SS pre-amp used with the 111s and the electronics in my system using an ARC tube pre-amp and tube DAC. My system has more midrange presence and warmth yet the 111s had as balanced a SS delivery overall as I have heard. The bass may have been just a tad fatter though on the 111s. I would expect the low end to be radically different on the 101s as a result of the unique MBL bass driver used on those compared to more conventional woofers on the 111s.

To my ear the biggest differences between the MBL 101s and the rest of the line are 1)midrange presence, 2)bass balance, and 3)dynamics.

I assume that #1 is likely due to the extra radial driver in the 101 which crosses in low enough to cover the whole midrange. That is, however, speculation on my part.

#2 is a design choice which "voices" the speaker for a natural bass balance in a larger room than the other models (except the 121s which are rolled off at - I think -80ish hz and utilize a subwoofer to determine bass balance.)

Don't know what causes #3, but the 101 is a monster dynamically - in a different league than the lesser models (and just about everything else I've ever heard, too).
