MBL 121 to full range speaker

Would like to receive recommendations on possible upgrade to full range speakers. I am living in an apartment so speaker selection would have to fit this constraint. The MBL 116 is an obvious selection keeping to the MBL sound which I certainly enjoy but I would like to especially hear from others who have found other speaker makes that I should consider.

BTW, I have Rowland electronics (synergy 2i/501/PC1) with MBL 1511/1521 DAC&Transport.

To my ear the biggest differences between the MBL 101s and the rest of the line are 1)midrange presence, 2)bass balance, and 3)dynamics.

I assume that #1 is likely due to the extra radial driver in the 101 which crosses in low enough to cover the whole midrange. That is, however, speculation on my part.

#2 is a design choice which "voices" the speaker for a natural bass balance in a larger room than the other models (except the 121s which are rolled off at - I think -80ish hz and utilize a subwoofer to determine bass balance.)

Don't know what causes #3, but the 101 is a monster dynamically - in a different league than the lesser models (and just about everything else I've ever heard, too).

"Don't know what causes #3, but the 101 is a monster dynamically"

I suspect it is a combo of the radial woofer + sub that is unique to that model (and apparently also a major contributor to the cost relative to other models)
Yes, the 101E is wonderful. This is the only MBL I've heard actually. I've never heard a speaker that projected instrumentation that sounded like it "floated in air" quite like the 101E did.

Has anyone ever heard the 101X? They look basically like two 101Es stacked on top of each other, but they also come with these giant subwoofer towers. You really need a gigantic room for these babies! I've only seen them in a showroom, but never heard them. Anyone have any experience with them?
"I've never heard a speaker that projected instrumentation that sounded like it "floated in air" quite like the 101E did."

Actually, the 111 setup I heard did this exceptionally well also, I thought. In particular with a reference reel-to-reel recording playing, the orchestra was pretty much in the room spread before you. Vinyl and CD were no slouches either.