how much power do you need two drive magnpan1.6s

i am buying magnpan 1.6s is my mcintosh mc 352 a good amp for these speakers
I am late to this, but with all of the different amps I have used with Maggies, the higher the power the better. I had a Parasound a21 with my 1.6's when I had them and I thought I was in heaven, until on a suggestion I bought an Innersound ESL (now Sanders Sound) and it changed the whole complextion of the sound. Much deeper, more well rounded and fuller, with extended highs.

I think the Ice and digital amps are a great match for these speakers (Bel Canto, Innersound, Spectron) but for tordial type amps you need massive power and my experience is they are tougher to match (Bryston, Parasound and Cary Audio are the best I have heard).

Good luck, sorry to answer so late.
I'm using ARC 150.2 Tripath amp for my 1.6's and it's wonderful. 300 watts into 4 ohms. Better than Bryston 3BST to my ears. Paired with AI Mod 3A preamp. Match made in heaven!!! I have a Vandersteen sub as well which opens up the soundstage even more.