coincident speakers do you have troubadors

Finally buying a pair of coincident troubadors but am looking for anyone who has them and also troubass. If you have or have had I have a few questions as I can't seem to find anyone selling troubass so looking for suggestions on something that will complete the sound of the troubadors as well or better than troubass speakers. Thanks for your help
Israel Blume, "Coincident has grown tremendously over the years."

TOTAL BS. A company which sells direct should offer pricing more attractive than one with a dealer network, which only adds another layer of cost into the equation. However, as the Coincident dealer network collapsed (ask any former dealer why), and the company went to a direct sales model, the loudspeaker prices, have not only increased, but substantially so. Inherently, a more expensive product line will sell less in terms of quantity, forget about the fact that we're dealing with the shrinking market of high-end audio.

Israel Blume, "Our policy is that we post customer comments as we receive them."

Again, TOTAL BS. You didn't "receive" them. Let's be clear, you cut and pasted them from a post right here on Audiogon way back. Receiving something infers permission was granted; taking them in the manner you did implies nothing of the sort. That's a not so subtle difference.

Once again, I restate my earlier post, Coincident WAS ONCE an ascendent company, one I felt would have joined the likes of the truly successful loudspeaker companies like B&W, Totem, and Vandersteen. With the tube renaissance, combined with the high (though not as high as claimed) sensitivity of the loudspeakers, the stars were truly aligned for that to happen. Many dealers, three of which being the local dealers in my area (Philadelphia, PA) came close to taking on the line for obvious reasons (Coincident makes a damn good speaker), but decided not to for things unrelated to the actual product. Again, what dealer network that was built has completely faded.
I'm confused. You have continuously complemented the product (would not sell for 10x the price you paid) yet you seem to have an axe to grind with the man who created it. It seems to me you have a personal vendetta...
If you want to pick a fight, I quess you can pick one on anything.


Personal discloser. Happy customer of Coincident
Well I sure did not have the intention of starting all of this I simply wanted to hear from others who owned Troubadours and especially Trubass. I also have high regards for Coincident and am extremely glad to own a pair. Mr. Blume maybe my E-mail got lost in cyberspace and if so I am sorry but so have others. I will try to contact you again and see what happens but I do respect you for designing great speakers even though they are to expensive for someone like me. Trelja sorry to get you so fired up and you were very helpful to me and I appreciate that. To all enjoy the music whatever system you have!
By the way Mr. Blume I have been led to believe that the Trubass is a relatively simple design. Given that, if you have a customer who is willing to PAY to have them built how can that not be cost effecient? Not only do you stand to have a customer who is happy but you may have a repeat one who, if given the economic means, may purchase from your current line. I think that the hardest part of building the Trubass would be matching the finish to the Troubadours. If you don't want to produce them how bout sending me the design and I can ask another to do so?
I have no affiliation with coincident nor do I own his speakers (yet). I have spoken to Israel on the phone several times and he was more than gracious. I find it somewhat disturbing that you would go to great lengths to bash a very reputable company with great products especially when you have such high praise for them. There definatley seems to be a hidden agenda here that you should work out somewhere else. Your argument is quite pitiful and childish and to top it off you sound like a real ass. This forum should be used to help others out and for information, not to bash hardworking people who are doing their best to put out a great product that competes with the best, but for a whole lot less.