I think you're in a position that many have been in since the growth of internet retailing and A'gon. You're contemplating a significant purchase without an audition, which is something many of us have done I'm sure. You know what the answer to this is - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Someone could tell you the speaker is the greatest thing on earth and it could still suck in your room.
You have to make the decision - are you going to take the leap of faith and hope for the best, or just buy a new speaker you can audition at a local dealer and perhaps even in your home? With a significant purchase like that, maybe it's just best to go for something you can hear.
You have to make the decision - are you going to take the leap of faith and hope for the best, or just buy a new speaker you can audition at a local dealer and perhaps even in your home? With a significant purchase like that, maybe it's just best to go for something you can hear.