Anyone Know Anything On McIntosh XRT25 Speakers

I am about to buy a set of McIntosh XRT25 speakers and there is very little info on the internet. I use a McIntosh MC252 Power Amp, McIntosh C41 preamp and a McIntosh MVP831 CD player and Only for true stereo as I have a McIntosh MHT100 and Canton Ventos for my small theater setup. Questions I have about the McIntosh XRT25's are 1)are they bass deficient 2)what is their real value and 3)is there something better in the $3000-3500 range. I love great bass and that is important to me in stereo speakers. I've owned a variety of bookshelf speakers since the 60's and floor standing I've had DQ10's & 20's and didn't like lack of bass, Cerwin Vega VE115's great bass, Altec 805s didn't like lack of bass, Klipsh Chorus...great bass and others including JBL891A's. So how is the bass on the Mc XRT25's? I'm new at this so please excuse my ignorance...1kent
I've been in your shoes as far as buying speakers that are an expensive purchase without having heard them. Never heard any McIntosh speakers (did used to own the MA6900 integrated). I have gambled and gotten burned more times than I've won in your situation. But, you have one thing going in your favor (your speakers and electronics will have synergy because of having an all McIntosh setup). I could never say that about any speakers I gambled on.
Ok, So I bought the McIntosh XRT25's and I have to say they are Fantastic! It turned out to be a Great Decision and I want to thank everyone who had any input positive or negative. It is such a help to have a place where so many people know so much about gear. It is also amazing that those who never heard a set had good and bad comments. Having heard them and now owning them I can say they are a pleasure to hear and have. Thanks for all of the input everyone......I use them with McIntosh MC252, C41 and MVP861 for CD music play only, not DVD's. BTW, the MC252 amp is plenty of power for them with no issues.....