Best speaker for vocals

I asked before about the 803d vs the Martin Logan Spire but my question should have been what is the best speaker for vocals? I have Klipsch RF-7s and they have a great lively sound but I do feel like the midrange is a bit hollow at times. What are opinions on a speaker that is known for its midrange? I listen to David Gray, Avett Brothers, Ben Harper, etc. I want the most realistic vocals. I have read that Harbeth Super HL5 may be the ticket but it is not full range and there is no matching center.
The Harbeth's are pretty darn good for voice. If you wanted to make a change to a different speaker that excels on voice but might be a bit more full range I would look at the Merlin VSM-MXe which for my taste the best speaker I have heard if you don't have a huge room or play 20Hz synth notes.
I concur on the Sonus Faber suggestions. Or the Naim Allae - I heard these recently with some better Naim electronics and WOW!
Vocals are one of the main types of music I listen to. The speakers for my primary system are the Verity Fidelio Encores, whose midrange and attendant crossover allow for an incredibly musical and lifelike presentation. My secondary system is almost as enjoyable; it has the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M's. Not as accurate as the Verity's, but still very, very good.
I agree that "best for vocals" could easily be just "best speaker" but I have read great things about the 803d as an overall speaker but is is often criticized for its recessed vocals. The RF-7 is a 2 way so I assume that the 803d would be an improvement in the midrange (3 way) but many people say that the 803d can sound recessed with male vocals. I listen to primarily singer/songwriter so this is unacceptable.