How far, how much?

I have the following 2 channel rig:

Rega Mira Integrated amplifier
Onkyo DX-7555 cdp
Mid-range Audioquest interconnects and speaker cable
Infinity Beta 40 speakers

It would appear that the Beta 40's are the weak link here, although I must say that they don't sound bad for inexpensive speakers. Actually, they sound quite decent -- surprisingly neutral. But I do feel like I am missing something.

I like the sound of the Mira and the Onkyo, and I plan to keep them for now. My room is 13x16, and does double duty as the living room, and I've got HT gear as well (though the audio path is direct CDP => Mira => Loudspeakers).

My question is: Given my current rig, how much should I look to spend to achieve a true step up in loudspeakers? I am partial to floorstanders, so I have been considering PSB Synchrony One, Revel F12 (which may be similar to my Betas), or Monitor Audio RS6. Any other suggestions in this range?
What kind of music do you like? Not all speakers can produce all genres of music well.
merlins would be perfect for that room.I had a Rega Luna for awhile and the combo was almost stunning.....
If a speaker can't reproduce all genres of music well, then it's not an accurate speaker.

A person may prefer it, but all it means is that for some reason that person prefers not to hear accurate reproduction.