For me, the Salon1 was great but it was not the most exciting speaker for Rock. It was great for everything else. I enjoyed the B&W 802D with my rock records more. I do however listen to a lot of different musical styles.
My next speaker will also most likely be smaller in size due the fact I am now married and have to consider other issues when putting a speaker in the middle of a room.
I listened to the Studio2 right after the B&W 802D (10 minutes later) at another store in Santa Barbara, CA. I was stunned that I preferred the B&W 802D over the Studio2 for the Rock CD's I was demoing. I really have a strong appreciation for Revel speakers but I could not deny the fact that the B&W had more emotional connection with me at that listening session.
I asked fellow A'Gon members their opinions on these speakers a few months back and they came back with some very interesting explanations about speaker technology. I think the Thread was "Forward Sounding Speakers That Rock"
The speakers I heard were broken in with above average electonics. There was also enough power to drive them.