Revel Salon 1 or-Revel Studio 2??

Prices are comparable. Has anyone evaluate these 2?
Better inevery way possibel in favor of Salon2's. I have had both and it is not even worth comparing. I rarely like to speak in absolutes but this one is an "absolute" no-brainer.
I had Salon1 for 5 years and listened to the Studio2 at a pretty crappy store last month, it was a no brainer for me. I would go for the Salon1 over Studio2. The Salon1 has a much fuller sound to me. The bass is so much better on the Salon1. I really like the Be tweeters on the Studio2 but it does not make up the difference in that full sound. I imagine the Salon2 would be better than Salon1.

BTW - I sold the Salon1 because I moved and currently have my stereo in storage. Next speaker maybe Thiel 3.7 or B&W 802D. I will also listen to Salon2.
YYZ, why consider backward moves you mention veresus just acquiring another Salon 1??
For me, the Salon1 was great but it was not the most exciting speaker for Rock. It was great for everything else. I enjoyed the B&W 802D with my rock records more. I do however listen to a lot of different musical styles.

My next speaker will also most likely be smaller in size due the fact I am now married and have to consider other issues when putting a speaker in the middle of a room.

I listened to the Studio2 right after the B&W 802D (10 minutes later) at another store in Santa Barbara, CA. I was stunned that I preferred the B&W 802D over the Studio2 for the Rock CD's I was demoing. I really have a strong appreciation for Revel speakers but I could not deny the fact that the B&W had more emotional connection with me at that listening session.

I asked fellow A'Gon members their opinions on these speakers a few months back and they came back with some very interesting explanations about speaker technology. I think the Thread was "Forward Sounding Speakers That Rock"

The speakers I heard were broken in with above average electonics. There was also enough power to drive them.