Which Speakers to use with a Shanling - MC-30

I'm intertaining the idea of getting a Shanling - MC-30.
My concern is that it outputs only 3 watts of power. What
would you recommend as a good monitor speaker that would
work in a average size living room. 16' by 12'

thanks for any advice
I ran a MC-30 with with some Omegas and Cain & Cain Abbys and enjoyed the combos. They are mid 90's db and have no crossover which 3 watts will love. Price point is in line with the amp.
I think I'll re-think my Shanling idea. Unsound, your absolutely right.
Thanks guys.
Check out Fritzpeakers or maybe Tekton Design. I think they're very efficient speakers.I thought about that combo a while back and ended up cleaning up my old Marantz 2226 to use with a tube cdp. haven't gottem the speakers yet though.