Recommend speakers for a restaurant sound system

My company is opening a restaurant this summer. We want to install a great system that will be rugged enough to stand up to daily use but still deliver a great sound.

The space is 3600 square feet and the ceiling height is 20+ feet. We will be installing a spray on soundproofing system for the ceiling to reduce sound reflection.

I have been underwhelmed by the commercial systems that are sold for commercial applications. Can anyone suggest speaker systems and amplifiers that would deliver great sound?

The systems I have listened to are: (1) too bright, (2) too muddy with a significant loss of detail and (3) total lack of dynamic range.

We don't have an unlimited budget, maybe $5k to $7k for an amp and three sets of speakers.
Acoustics shouldn't be overlook and taken into consideration.
Placement would be second as well as track record and reliability.

As to recommendations:
Look into Parasound Zone amps. Wyred4Sound amp are also great and can be customized to your needs. Speaker wise, I like Totem in-wall/ceiling speakers.
Link to more info

Huge area to cover. May want to consider something like this

Can contact Klipsch and talk to someone about their Commercial sound systems.
There are some audiophile grade speakers made for in-wall and in-ceiling. I've heard in-ceiling Triad loudspeakers and they were excellent. Also, Mirage makes a series of in-ceiling omnidirectional loudspeakers with titanium coated poly mid/woofers and titanium dome tweeters.

Parasound also makes a full line of in-wall and in-ceiling loudspeakers and an in-wall sub.