Dynaudio C4 speaker equipment matching

My first post, looking for advise.

My system includes:

Plinius CD101 CDP
Plinius Tautoro Pre Amp
Two Plinius SA-103's running in bridged mono configuration
Nordost Frey interconects(2m) and speaker cables(4m) Nordost Thor power conditioner and Brahma power cords (2m) attached to all equipment
Finite Element Signiture racks
Ceraballs and Cerabases
Dynaudio C4 speakers on spikes

The room is untreated and large, 12ft ceilings, 23ft long and 28ft wide. Speakers are 4ft from the wall rear wall. Listening is normally at moderate levels.

I listen to rock, male and female voices, acoustic guitar, a little RAP and techno. Broad taste.

I have a very large sound stage, which I love, though sound is to forward for my liking.

I am looking for more dynamic's, increased depth in the sound stage and greater bass control. I was thinking of starting with the CDP, was thinking of WADIA 861SE, Esoteric SA60/UX-01 or similar and was also thinking of going to Nordost Valhalla cables, though the pair I tried did not make a significant difference, to my suprise.

I was told that changing to a copper power cord on my preamp might help with depth of sound stage. Would appreciate any advise as to the weak links in my system and upgrade opportunities, biggest impact first. I want to keep the SA-103's amps.
Room treatment a must!!!!..Im not a fan of Plinius with the C4s..Pass labs is the ticket if your set on solid state IMO(x250.5 or better x350.5)..I would also dump the Nordost cables,I ran them with my C4s for about a week .Hated them..A nice tube preamp will help some,I dont totally agree with the tube rolling theory as far as a drastic system change..I find a great tube pre will not drastically change its character by simply changing tubes(if it did it would be long gone from my system)...The room treatment will set you in the right direction
Dear Jon47: My friend Alan has the C4 running through the JC1 monoblocks and the quality performance is just great.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Disclaimer: we are a Dynaudio - Cardas Dealer

To me, it looks like the situation you are experiencing could be the choice of cables with the choice of speakers. Customers have found the combination of the super resolution of the Dyn speaker with a super resolution Nord cable to be challenging in certain rooms. I know the Frey is a bit "warmer" than most of Nord product line, but I think there even more fullness can be gained. Both can be great products but sometimes they simply don't play well together. I suggest a cable with a bit more control like the Cardas upper line Golden Cross (warmest), Golden Reference, Golden Presence (least warmest), but not the Neutral Reference. Of course there is always the new Clear, too. There are no absolutes in audio but I think if you head in this direction first, it should help your situation a bit.

Cheers Dan
I totally agree w/Dedicatedaudio ..Ive run Cardas golden cross cables with my C4s.. Nordost IMO just suck w/Dynaudio..Like I said room treatment and cables
I also have the Nordost Frey's (4m) on my C1's and they are a great combo. Much better than JPS S3's. I've not tried any of the Cardas speaker cables because I was very disappointed with the neutral ref ic's. AQ king cobras even sounded better.