Speaker Ideas upto $2500

I've finally decided to jump into the audiophile areana after lurking here for a while and I was looking for speakers that would go well with an integrated amp like the bel canto s300iu. I'm willing to buy used gear as it would save me a significant chunk. So I was looking at Zu Druids but I've seen quite a number of comments implying that I can do better for the price these days, so I am looking for suggestions. I listen to a wide variety of music (a little of everything except country) so I don't want to get a speaker that excels in only just one genre. I'm not going to comment on the room dimensions/properties because I expect to be moving by next year. Oh and I would like subwoofer recommendations for the speakers that people suggest if that's possible.
If you really love music and have a deep appreciation for the sound of live music then you should think outside the box and go Magnepan:O)
Infinity IRS Vs very nice any of the Dunlavy or Duntechs that are 6' tall or more the best is the souveriegn. The vintage rehab route a Ranger Paragon Console with the red wax sealed on the 375 horns by JBL circa 1960.
I am being silly all those are great speakers but none cost less than 20,000 not 2,500. It is imperitive you go out and listen make up a list and we can get a better idea from there.
What are your listening prefs again.
ooo, yeah, i agree with dave b, if you could ever audition a pair of magnepan 1.6, that would be great.

or if you can find a used pair of martin logan vistas, that would be worth looking into as well. i own the summits, and while there are speakers that do things more... well, for lack of a better word - "correctly", i couldn't get away from how much i loved the airiness of the sound. maggie 1.6s are great at that as well. they have two enemies, however: cats and spouses. as it turns out, i have a full house of magnepan enemies.

still think paradigms are the best bang for the buck, though, and they're idiotproof. i've had/heard many speakers that take a bit to get them to sounding good, but paradigms sound good in most set-ups.

keep us updated on your choices!
Usher BE-718. I have owned many and Usher is one of my favorite at $2k price range.
lots of great used buys from many brands...'new' however, in that range for a magnificent allrounder...klipsch, ohm, maggie (castle if you can find it)..pick your poison.