Phono amps or stages for high-output cartridges?

It's understandable that the best phono-amps (and phono stages in full pre-amps) these days are very high gain, as what are generally considered the best cartridges are very low-output designs. But for those of us whose preferred cartridge produces very high output (5mV!), what are some very good phono-amps or pre-amps with great low-gain (40dB, tops) phono stages? I ask because a lot of even very good high-gain phono-amps run into trouble (overload margins) with a high-output cartridge. Phono-amps are being designed and optimized for low-output models right now. Are there any currently, or in the recent past, being produced which are specifically for high-output models? Sure, one can get an old pre-amp from the pre-low-output moving-coil era, but they come with their own problems, usually worse than overload characteristics.
lowest output with highest gain + SUT... it's all bs.
sufficient output + sufficient gain with no SUT is best.
I hate to think of being without Fremer's coverage of all things phono, both in Stereophile and on Analog Planet. And as much as I like having his reviews, his phono section ones are of little value to a high-output cartridge user. Phono amps are all evaluated with low-output cartridges exclusively, and their performance with those cartridges may or may not carry over to their capability for use with a high-out device. What makes a high-gain amp better at amplifying the very small signal from a low-output cartridge, makes it WORSE for doing the same with a low-output one, is the point I'm trying to make.