Quality speakers that don't need tons of power

I thought I'd start a thread with suggestions for good, quality speakers (let's just say MSRP over 8K or so) that don't need monoblocks or separates with huge power reserves. A lot of speakers on that range (KEF, B&W, Dynaudio, Revel...) need that to shine...a lot of the same speakers consequently suffer at lower levels and need to be turned up to a certain level before they open up.
Let me just start my first recommendation, Von Schweikert unifield model 3, which were easily driven by my 100 wpc Marantz integrated...great speaker to boot, world class treble.
Why? If one could afford expensive speakers, I would imagine they could afford the power necessary to drive them.
Maybe or maybe not...there were several reasons for this thread, one of them being that I for one believe that 10K speaker with 2K integrated should give you more for your money (most of the time anyway) than 2K speaker with 10K integrated...I've seen system with hard to drive 6k speaker that needs so much power, you need to spend just as much on amplification...
But I didn't want to steer this conversation in a different direction, I do believe you should get your favourite speaker and build around it and if it happens to need strong amplification, so be it...interesting case with Silverline Bolero, whcih uses Dynaudio drivers but it's much easier to drive than Dynaudio...anyway, thanx for all the responses so far
I would look at Focal...maybe the Electra line. If you go uses a 1027 be will be well below budget.
Horns. Will allow you to experiment with amps on a qualitative, rather than quantitative, basis.