Totem Forest Speakers.....

I recently purchased a pair of Totem Forest speakers. Now, I know these are capable of sounding very musical, clear, w/ a great imaging, and sound stage . I have about 70 hrs of listening and I am not getting them to sound the way they should. They are in a square 12 x 12 room and is not filling up the room w/ music and sounds a flat.

System is Krell 400xi.
Yamaha cd player.
Kimber Kable 8TC

Any totem owners out there that can help me figure out what is wrong? Any info is desperately needed!!

See if you can borrow a better source component (a Benchmark DAC-1 perhaps?) before driving yourself crazy with speaker placement. I know speaker placement is very important, but you have very high resolution electronics, speaker cables, and speakers, and a CD player that's not in the same league. Maybe the Krell/Kimber/Forest signal chain is revealing the Yamaha's shortcomings.

Your room and placement is asking for trouble--same resonating frequency for all four walls, half the wall length for the space between the speakers, and 1/4 the wall length for the space between each speaker and its wall.
Matt, synergy is so so elusive. I'm still trying to capture it in my system. Source amp speaker synergy is complex or can be simple if you know of system(s) that work well and replicate that system. The Yamaha appears to be the lesser component in your system. If I were you I would look at the source first and replace it. If you then do not get what you are listening for then look at the 400xi and replace it.
A square box is the worst scenario for acoustics. The Krell sounds average to bad with the stock power cord and run un-balanced. You shoul run it balanced with a musical CDP and a great PC and interconnect like MIT offers. If you want good advice from a veteran in the business call Joe Abrams at Equus Audio (Portal Audio). He will cut through the "well intentioned advice" you are getting and give you some solid options to pursue:O)
I would definitely change the amp; it is not a particularly "musical" component. Contrary to other posts, IMO it is much too analytical and clinical for your speakers.

I would also look at the cd player, speaker placement, and room treatments as well.