Single vs Dual Subs

Let's assume the budget is around $2k.

On the one hand, you could pick up a used/demo JL Audio or Velodyne DD-series. On the other, you could get a pair of new subs from Hsu Research or SVS. Given that the solution has to work well for 2-channel music as well as 5-channel movies, what would sway one in one direction or the other?

SVS AS-EQ1 review just submitted. Will appear in the September issue.

Get the best sub you can afford now. Get another later if you don't have enough $$ left over ...

I wanted 12" drivers minimum for my sub(s) so I was only able to purchase one - the best 12" sub I could find. It helped a lot, filling in the last octave for a much fuller sound. I started saving again and eventually was able to purchase a second 12" sub. Now the sound is awesome! With two, located sort of kitty-corner from one another, I am able to get an even smoother and deeper response than with one. Now I get within +-3dB to 20Hz. Dual subs (or more) is the way to go, fur sure!
Bob Reynolds,

I refer you to pages 2, 22, and 28 of the Harmon paper re a single sub in a corner location. Of course that may not be ideal for every room and equalization is usually desirable for LF.

I use a Velodyne SMS-1 with an HGS-15 located so the center of the cone is about 18" from the rear and adjacent side wall. Experienced listeners say they cannot identify the sub as a separate sound source. Crossover is 80 Hz.
