B+W 801D

Well, I have been through a few speakers since I last posted here. I have never been able to hear the 801D and am looking for opinions from people who have actually heard this speaker.
Any and all input appreciated.
06-15-09: Maineiac

I want to hear from objective listeners.
=I want to hear from people that agree with my purchase plan.
Maineiac (System | Threads | Answers)

NO, I am asking for objective assessments NOT emotional( I've got an axe to grind) ones . I have heard speakers that have had alot of great press but they simply weren't my cup of tea. I didn't go online and tell everyone they were crap.Calling something crap which clearly shouldn't be doesn't hold much water with me.I for one was never fond of Revel but just because I don't like them I do not insinuate they are crap.They simply are not my cup of tea.Perhaps it was the setup as I am sure top flight engineers wouldn't put of a crappy flagship speaker. I want to hear the pluses and minuses about this speaker.A thoughful response holds weight in my opinion. Inevitably when anyone posts about WIlson or B+W the axe grinders come out in hoards.
This is the reason I asked for responses from people who ACTUALLY heard the 801D.
I saw on another thread the main contributer to the thread which answered probably 10 posts on how they would sound NEVER EVEN ACTUALLY HEARD THE SPEAKER!!!Incredible,

I do appreciate Gregm's response.
No BS I tell it like it is. To these ears, B&W is not a musical speaker. I am a professional violinist and hear real music every day. As you pointed out, I am consistent in my opinion.
The blown tweeters were not a case of poor amplification. I am using an Ayre V1xe with 200 watts a side conservative. My dealer says that tweeter replacements are not rare.
No BS I tell it like it is. To these ears, B&W is not a musical speaker. I am a professional violinist and hear real music every day. As you pointed out, I am consistent in my opinion.

Now I look at this post of yours and I then ask myself:

why did this guy buy not just one pair of nautilusD but a second pair (according to your post)?
If true you obviously thought they were very good indeed to buy a second pair.Perhaps you are upset with customer service or something?

No, I stand by my assessment .In my opinion this simply doesn't add up.
I am not in charge of your checkbook, or have any concern about your ears or your math. This forum is a place where people of like interests can share ideas. If you want B&W speakers, by all means buy them. Your inquiry was with anyone who was familiar with the speaker to voice their opinion. There is no need to become upset, I wish you happiness in your listening. I have also had Magnepan (excellent midrange speaker) Quads, Wilson (which I also don't like) Infinity, Acoustat, Klipschorns, and Vandersteen 5A's that I am using and loving now. I am leaving out many more as well.