Big vintage speakers klipsch kg line

Retro system thinking of kg4 or similar hi efficiency moderate cost model

If those Klipsch have the original xovers in them, upgrade them and then you will be able to hear the true potential of those speakers. Klipsch speakers go well beyond the next level of performance with some upgraded caps and resistors.

It's a simple upgrade that doesn't require the shipment of your speakers, just the small xovers that are easy to remove and reinstall.
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Where can I find info on upgrading the x-overs in my KG4 and Tangent 30 speakers?
I have owned two pairs of KG4s.
I think the earlier ones sounded better for some reason.I suspect the tweeter or crossover was changed on later ones.The earlier pair was prone to burning out tweeter voice coils-but that was a simple replacement job.

They can sound really nice with very tubey sounding amps like a 300b SET.

Also you need to stand mount them so the tweeters are at ear height when sitting down-which goes for any spoeaker.The little skirt on the bottom is best removed.
Klipsch forums are the best source for anything Klipsch. It's fairly easy to upgrade the xovers. If you don't want to do it or can't there are a few of us who do it.