anyone know the lsa 2 speaker vs the vandy 2ce?

do i replace the vandy or stay. iching for a change and new look but dont want to compromize overall quality especially bass? running marantz 2270, 2 kimbers for bi wire pr and 4tc , cardas crosslink 11, and using directv and a oppo for source. the lsa is much better looking and smaller footprint, but will noy sacrifice quality sound. price range 1 to 1.5 k
thanks to for the response.
The LSA 2s sure look and sound like the Von Schwiekert VR2, that was a very good speaker.
This is a complicated question. There are three levels of LSA speakers. IMHO the Statements or the top level are strikingly better than the Standards or cheapest. I also think the LSA1 Statements are superior to the LSA2 Statements in every regard except the bottom end bass below 35 Hz.

I don't think the Vandersteen 2ce are in the same league.
Want a major improvement?
Why not just add a Vandersteen Hi Pass with the Vandersteen 2WQ The High pass allows the amp in your 2270 to recover faster.
when leveled and properly set up you will experience a dramatic improvement in the whole systems clarity and transparency.
Do a search or post on 2WQ and read what all of the folks who have done this properly say.
Cheers Johnnyr