MG12 vs ML Source?

Any opinions of these two compared to eachother? Hey - didn't the ML Source start at 2k price, but now seems to be at 1k? What is up with that?
The $1K is for one speaker. It seems to be often listed that way, for some reason.

Can't offer an opinion on your first question.

-- Al
Ha ha ha ha... Now that I look carefully that is absolutely correct! What is up with that? I've never seen that before. That makes a lot more sense. Okay, then they are 'too much' for a friend's system I am designing, he has a 1k budget for the speakers.

I even went to Best Buy and the Magnolia part as I know they sell them and asked how much for the 'Source' and they quoted me 1k - I should have payed and left before the guy realized it was for one only :). He was pretty cluless.

Anyways, mystery solved. I knew there was something funny going on, for 1k that would be a shockingly good speaker.
Mg would work if room is small or sub is added or music is vocal folk jazz based bass is much smaller scale than 1.6 albeit better than old mags of similiar size vandy 1c other obvious choice
Yeah, right now he is choosing between Mark and Daniel Mini and MG12s. Quite the opposite options! WAF may rule out MG12s, M&D Mini's can be hidden quite well into a room.