Speaker break in: changes in sound question

In general, what changes in sound can be expected as a speaker breaks in. For instance, Focal Utopia or equivalent speaker. How would the highs, mid and low end change? Maybe given 200 hours of friendly operation.

Any thoughts welcome, please.
a question about break-in is best answered by the esperience of the speaker owner.
Keep in mind not only are you breaking in the drivers themselves but also the crossover components and wiring. Generally speaking you will hear a top to bottom difference in sound quality. Bass usually will have more extension, but will be less damped, less lean sounding. Midrange will generally sound more natural, smoother, richer. Same with the high frequecys as well.

Keep in mind and this is something most people dont realize in every case you will have to reposition your speakers because of these changes. I usually dont do my final setup for several weeks till I know the speakers have settled in.

yes, you can expect a general loosening up of the sound; more fluidity and extension, top and bottom. It really is incredible how much a speaker's sound changes as it breaks in. I'm not sure that I would have believed the hype regarding break-in if I hadn't experienced it myself first hand.