Dynaudio breakin period

How long before a Dynaudio speaker breaks in?

I have some BM6 speakers,they have the "better" tweeter on them,but they seem to lack air a bit,treble extention, compared to some other speakers I have,so I know my system can deliver.

Any thoughts to this?


I have the C1's and they sounded great right out of the box. At approx 100 they sounded just horrible. About 50 hrs later they started to improve. At 250 hrs they sounded good again but at 350 hrs they are at their best. I also ran mine 7/24 out to 400 hrs.
My experience with Dynaudio and ATC, never ever judge them before a good 500 to 1000 hours on them. If you don't have that kind of patience (I don't) set them up facing each other (almost touching) with one speaker wired out of phase and play them for a couple of weeks then set up and enjoy...
