Rockport's or Magico's

I have heard that these two speaker lines employ some state of the art design concepts.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Magico M5 and Rockport Altair at Goodwins or anywhere else?

How similar are they and where do they differ?

Thanks AO
Aoliviero, you're welcome. I had no intention really of bringing up the Sason speakers other than what you asked. I, in fact, answered the same way on another thread about speaker comparison and did not reveal my speakers. But Koegz guessed correctly and asked, so I replied. Sammy is a tool and just couldn't leave it alone. Goodwins in MA has the best acoustically treated room I have ever been in. It really shows off the equipment without the room acoustics getting in the way of the music. If you can, go have a visit. They are very professional and a top notch dealer.
Sammy you remind of a college professor who held himself above his colleagues and students but was the butt of everyone's jokes. You are full of self congradulatory remarks and snobby lecturing on how one should post an opinion the way you like it. Unlike you, I actually do take a side and give MY OPINION while explaining why I don't like one product over the other. But you swing both ways and never pick a side, just like most HE press reviews of products with significant ad contributions, fear of offending the manufacturer. I let this be my last post regarding you as long as you keep out of my posts.
Obviously you took great personal offense to my comments above and are still struggling with that. My apologies if you took anything as a personal attack.

Since I have great respect for the talent and commitment of Andy Payor and Alon Wolf and feel that neither speaker is overpriced given their material and performance value, I took issue with your comments...

>>"Go figure-the most enjoyable and rewarding speakers are not these megabuck speakers stereophool and the crapsolute sound are drooling over."<<

I didn't know the thread was about naming a personal favorite or "taking sides". I was unaware the OP's question had anything to do with magazines, the value of their opinion, the relationship between ads and reviews or the fact that you purchased a $13k speaker that you preferred over the models being asked about.

My opinion of the two speaker lines is that I have heard both enough to know I could live very happily with either the M5's or Arrakis (the models I heard most recently)-- though I might choose my electronics differently depending on which I ended up with.. With the seemingly unlimited dynamics and wide-open bandwidth of the M5's I might stay with my ARC front end and Berning Quad Z amps. Were I to live with the Antares or Arrakis I might consider the Solid State Luxman, Griffin or (Hybrid) Lamm mono's and DCS or Esoteric separates at the front end. Of course I am only dreaming....

I tend to be more conservative about tossing definitive opinions around regarding electronics or speakers that I have not yet had in my home. That has nothing to do with protecting anyone, just a personal choice.


I'm over it Sammy. You should really think before you write because your response to my posts came off as very passive-aggressive and holier than thou, on the one hand seemingly nice comments followed by stab-in-the-back, low handed remarks on the other. Apology accepted, so lets move on.
The Wilson crowd thinks that the Magico’s are too polite. The Rockport crowd, thinks they are too analytical. They are, when all is said and done, a much more resolving, and therefore, sensitive to proper setup than the Rockport (or any other speakers, IMO). They will always put out what you put into them, unlike the Rockport “colored” presentation that is often “pretty” but undiscriminating. It is interesting that Koegz, found the Altair bass to be superior to the M6. It was clearly not a match to the M6 when I heard them. In fact, my biggest criticism of the Rockport will be their poor bass integration, due to their side firing subs, to the rest of the system. BTW, before the ranting begins, just in case it is not clear, I am a Magico owner and a BIG fan.