Thanks again to those of you who stayed on topic and provided answers to the specific question. I think I have a good idea on the differences now but I will need to listen on my own in the end.
Highjacking of threads and digressions to other topics happens a lot on audiogon. It is very unfortunate because people get emotional and in the end it becomes unpleasant for everyone.
While I think people would value your feedback,and since you felt so strongly, maybe it would have been more appropriate starting a new thread on "speakers better than rockport and magico"
Anyway, thanks for your feedback
Highjacking of threads and digressions to other topics happens a lot on audiogon. It is very unfortunate because people get emotional and in the end it becomes unpleasant for everyone.
While I think people would value your feedback,and since you felt so strongly, maybe it would have been more appropriate starting a new thread on "speakers better than rockport and magico"
Anyway, thanks for your feedback