Rules for matching subwoofers to room size

I am setting up a new music listening room and will be adding a subwoofer for movies and (mostly) to fill out the full audio spectrum for music. Is there a rule of thumb for subwoofer size/output for a given room volume? My room will be about 11x20x8 WxLxH. Thanks in advance.
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Audiokinesis...You are correct about phase coherency being overrated by audiophiles. I threw that out as one plausible explanation of what I personally hear even if you don't :-)

Many years ago I read an interesting observation about an experiment involving phase. An irregular waveform like a steady audio signal can be subjected to Fourier analysis and represented by a collection of sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes, and phases. If enough of these frequencies are used the original time domain waveform is very accurately reproduced. You can play back the collection of Fourier components (sine waves) and listen to them. They sound like the original irregular waveform.

Now comes the interesting part. Arbitrarily change the phases of the Fourier sine waves. Although the same frequencies and amplitudes are present the reconstructed time domain waveform is now quite unlike the original, but the sound does not change. This implies that our sense of hearing functions in a rather complex and unexpected way.

As I said, I read about this experiment, and did not hear it for myself. I would sure like to.
Very interesting, Eldartford (spelled your name right this time)! Don't think I've read of that particular experiment before, but it certainly is a vivid illustration.

Best wishes, regardless of whether we ever end up agreeing on subwoofing,

Whats your budget, why not get real full range speakers..I have Revel F52's and they presurize my room everone looks for the sub and their is non
Funny you should mention the Revel F52 - was considering a pair of used F32's for the fronts. Budget for whole 5.1 or 7.1 speaker system including sub around $5K+- used. I have some large and small bookshelf speakers that could serve as surrounds for a while - so really only looking for 3.1 system within that budget.

I think something like the F52 would need a lot of power to accurately recreate the lowest frequencies with the aplomb of a good subwoofer. They are also pretty darn big. But perhaps ditching the subwoofer for larger front speakers and a more capable amp would be a reasonable trade off. Then I a would only be looking for a "3.0" system plus breaking the electronics budget (also $5K not including screen) a bit on a stronger amplifier...
The F52 are realy not that big, or should I say take up floor space, they are about 10" wide and 15 deep. I run them with a PASS X250 that runs in clas A for the first 40 watts, which is 90% of the time and they sound supperb (Best amp I ever owned), when i crank it they do take the power when pushed.

After years of playing the buy and sell game this is the system I have ended up with and have had the longest and I'm not planning on changing soon. Its my nervana (VPI SuperScoutMaster is my front end)

I see F52 on here for 3500 to 4000 used. F32 are around 2000

Good luck