Rules for matching subwoofers to room size

I am setting up a new music listening room and will be adding a subwoofer for movies and (mostly) to fill out the full audio spectrum for music. Is there a rule of thumb for subwoofer size/output for a given room volume? My room will be about 11x20x8 WxLxH. Thanks in advance.
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Funny you should mention the Revel F52 - was considering a pair of used F32's for the fronts. Budget for whole 5.1 or 7.1 speaker system including sub around $5K+- used. I have some large and small bookshelf speakers that could serve as surrounds for a while - so really only looking for 3.1 system within that budget.

I think something like the F52 would need a lot of power to accurately recreate the lowest frequencies with the aplomb of a good subwoofer. They are also pretty darn big. But perhaps ditching the subwoofer for larger front speakers and a more capable amp would be a reasonable trade off. Then I a would only be looking for a "3.0" system plus breaking the electronics budget (also $5K not including screen) a bit on a stronger amplifier...
The F52 are realy not that big, or should I say take up floor space, they are about 10" wide and 15 deep. I run them with a PASS X250 that runs in clas A for the first 40 watts, which is 90% of the time and they sound supperb (Best amp I ever owned), when i crank it they do take the power when pushed.

After years of playing the buy and sell game this is the system I have ended up with and have had the longest and I'm not planning on changing soon. Its my nervana (VPI SuperScoutMaster is my front end)

I see F52 on here for 3500 to 4000 used. F32 are around 2000

Good luck

I like the the overall presentation of the Revels - the F52's are very nice and I think a good value in a full range speaker - not very far off the Salon Studio2 IMO. I spent a fair bit of time with the M22's and enjoyed every minute, but they are current hungry. Will probably end up trying a few different speakers to see what works best in my space. I do like that fact that Revels allow you to adjust the tweeter level and optimize sound for placement in the room.
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