full range close to wall positioning

I am looking for a fullrange speaker for under $5,500 used that will play most all types of music (no phono) and not suffer from being placed close to the short wall ie. roughly a foot of space behind it. room size is 14'x24'x9' open on far end to kitchen. Lots of furniture in the room with shag rug over hardwood floors. Amplification will be changed depending on speaker requirements. resonable size ie. no magnepan or soundlab type monster speakers.
so far I've auditioned audio notes e speakers. what else should I look at. Seating position is about 11' but I'd appreciate a speaker that will sound good from more than one exact seating postion. Help please.
North Creek Big Kat (link below). Buying the kit and having Lee Taylor do the boxes would likely have you out for less than 5k, plus an afternoon for assembly. I've not heard the Big Kat, but I have the smaller Eskas, which work quite well a few inches from the wall. John

I own both NHT 2.9s (fronts for H/T) and 3.3's for music both can be placed close to wall. Veiwing front on they don,t look too big but from the side they are quite deep. Bottom line they sound great , are easy to set up with less of the problems that the room itself effects most speakers . Cheers
The 2.9s specs are 26khz to 26 hz not 35 as stated. The 3.3.s are 23 khz to 22 khz. Cheers
thanks for everyones input. Keep the ideas coming though as some of these will be hard to audition.
The new BLue Circle PEnnies are designed to go close to walls.

Disclaimer: haven't heard these yet but am intrigued by the design.