Speakers to build a $6500 system around

I am frustrated with all the speaker choices available in the $2k range. There's just too many! I listen to all music types but I lean towards jazz, vocals and reggae. I have a bedroom system consisting of an Rega Apollo cd player, Music Angel EL34 integrated pushing an old pair of Energy 4.1e's which I enjoy very much. However, this set-up in my larger tiled family room just doesn't cut it. Can someone recommend a source,full range speaker and integrated combo that can deliver "you are there" kind of sound for around $6500? My room is not ideal. It measures 16' x 20'. One side opens out to a dining area. I have to place these speakers against the long wall. I would really appreciate any opinions on speakers in the $2000 dollar range that I can really build something special upon. Thanks!
Thanks all!
Thanks Gsm18439, I will take a look at those! T-Bone, WAF is of utmost importance in this decision. I have a pair of Polk Audio LSi-15s in that room that my wife wants out of here. They're piano gloss black with cherry sides. They're kind of clashing with our dark wood furniture. They sound very good but knowing she wants them replaced, I haven't wanted to invest in good amplification for them should my new speakers have different requirements. I just use a NAD 720BEE to drive them. My plan is to step the whole rig up; speakers to fall in love with, turntable front end (Nottingham Analog Interspace, maybe), tube or solid state integrated with a remote. Seems simple right?
Based solely on print info and a breif listening encounter ten years ago, the Vandersteen 2CE sig IIw were my top consideration but, with all the comments regarding placement and room sensitivity, I was concerned that they may disappoint. "Veiled sound", as some have put it, is NOT what I'm seeking. Von Schweikert VR4jrs, I am terribly intrigued to hear. It is a privilege to receive all of your helpful suggestions. Keep 'em coming!
Regarding Energy Veritas 1.8, I will definitely keep my eyes open for these. However, you think these can play on par with VR4jr's?
I think Vandersteen 2Ces would be ideal for a system in that price range, though you proabably will need a 100 watt SS integrated. I think the Vandersteen line offers a lot of full range sound and quality for the money.
Since they'll be against the wall, I'd definitely check out NHT 3.3. They're designed to go against the wall for bass reinforcement. I've heard them and they sound phenomenal.

Around $1000 used if you can find them - a tremendous value.

