Knowing no better, I bought a digi SPL meter from Rat Shak... noy yhr snsloh (fisl) yypr drbrtsl yrstd sho. I don't use it as often as I should.
I played some big band jazz from Gordon Goodwin and Illinois Jacquette and I believe some rock from Def Lep... as I like Pour Some sugar on me... and wondered just where am I with the fun knob.
Apparently I could not take prolonged listening past an avg of 94db. Peaks were higher for sure. But 94-95db is p[retty dong gone high IMO. I'm in the mid to upper 80's or less, ususally.
Truth be told, I'm such a woose with high volume settings. I keep envisioning drivers being propelled out of the cabinents, or burning up, or some other crazy scenarios resulting in equipment failure.... so the vol knob around here gets some pretty judicious attention.
having had to encroach onto the sound stage by migrating into the nearfield due to one ear now being about 4db less than the other, my listening levels have diminished a bit more I suspect.
But with live recordings and the prioper musical recordings, elevating the fun knob seems almsot mandatory. thjough not with all... I don't want to hear Johnny Hartman or Ella Fitzgerald out in the yard. Also intimately or closely miced pressings don't dictate higher levels either.
ZZ Top and Def Lepp... well thay do need some decibels... though not through the whole aolbum... just now and then.