Pathos Classic One MKIII and Focal 807W Speakers

Would be the Pathos Classic One MKIII Hybrid Integrated Amp.
a good match for the Focal 807W Speakers.
The Atkinson link is to the 807V, not W. Sorry. From another source, the 807W Prestige looks like it has similar phase angle and impedance curves, so should behave similarly. Sorry for the confusion.

807W Prestige
Just a small point. I use the Pathi to drive Cremora M's. But I mono block them. Mono blocked they provide more than enough power to drive almost any speaker. I've had them now for several years and have said here repeatedly how much I like them.
Rudge - understood. I am talking about a non-bridged Classic One, which is what this user is probably considering. Also, the M is much easier to drive than the original Cremona.