Beautiful Monitors?

Keeping in the under $4k category (new or used), what are some of the most beautiful looking monitors available? In particular, I'm looking for a wood exterior, like Sonus Faber or Karmas.

Sound would be second in the silly as that sounds, but if it can match the beauty, too, to would be great. I need awesome WAF, if you know what I mean.

System? I'll build around the speakers, but I plan on a very small integrated system, preferably tube-driven.
My wife loves the looks of my Harbeth monitor 30s above all other speakers I've ever shown her for the very reason that they look like what they are meant to be. A classic and clean lined box speaker instead of trying to look like something its not such as sculpture or a coffin.
Rosso Fiorentino Fiesole, with the optional Murata supertweeter (that does NOT sit on top but is stylishly integrated, of course) it does exceed your $4k limit, unfortunately. Without the supertweeter, it should be in the range $3.5k (new)
(don't forget to click "colours")

Heard these speakers once at a fair in an environment that made it impossible to give a well-founded judgement, but they made a fine impression nevertheless.
NHT XD Sub/Sat system. Not only are the monitors and sub gorgeous; so are the matching speaker stands. A true work of art....