Wilson Sasha vs. Magico V3

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare these two speaker systems?
Ag insider logo xs@2xfeldmm
Yes, the Sasha sounded overpriced and the V3's sounded really overpriced:O) Think outside the box...try Magnepan!
LMAO... and the Magnepan's are nearly one trick ponies. I'm not trying to start a shit storm here but I couldn't help but get a kick from the above response! :)
I've owned Wilsons, considered Magico and had many other high end box speakers. If you truly appreciate live acoustic music, the Magnepans can transport you like no other I've heard. I find it hilarious that a speaker designer will scale up huge cost factors in an effort to reduce the effects of the one fundemental flaw in their designs...THE BOX! They are doomed from the start. I live 5 miles from Overture Audio so I've either owned or demo'd at length many wonderful speakers. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed some of my time with the likes of Wilson, Dynaudio, Dunlavy (in retrospect a superior design to most available today at any cost)etc... MG3.6R's and 20.1's when correctly used do so many things near state of the art that in total, deliver a more realistic portrayel of a concert. Now if were talkin PA systems...well?