To all who have or may post answers, thank you for your help. I will not mess with crossover's Revel Studios.
I do however wonder why the put Hi/Low inputs on the speaker in the first palce. I would like to ask Mr. Vokes that question.
I would still like to upgrade. So I will ask once more of you some advice. Is my current setup of Pass Aleph P and Aleph2 mono blocks a good match for my first generation Studios?
The remainder of the system is Rega P5 with Benz L2 cart. Jolida JD9 tube phono stage with Underwood level 2 mod.
Rega Jupiter CD player.
Should I go for room treatments, better TT, Better CD??
Or maybe just a nice rack. What upgrade would make sound difference?
Again thank you all very much!
I do however wonder why the put Hi/Low inputs on the speaker in the first palce. I would like to ask Mr. Vokes that question.
I would still like to upgrade. So I will ask once more of you some advice. Is my current setup of Pass Aleph P and Aleph2 mono blocks a good match for my first generation Studios?
The remainder of the system is Rega P5 with Benz L2 cart. Jolida JD9 tube phono stage with Underwood level 2 mod.
Rega Jupiter CD player.
Should I go for room treatments, better TT, Better CD??
Or maybe just a nice rack. What upgrade would make sound difference?
Again thank you all very much!