Monitors to replace Dynaudio Confidence C1's

I have been on the sonic merry-go-round since trying to make peace in my home by moving from floor standers to monitors. More specifically, from Dynaudio Contour 2.8's to Confidence C1's. I have been a Dynaudio guy for a long time, so I tried a number of different equipment combos, but just can't wrap my sonic brain around the C1.....

This week I moved around the furniture a bit (ok, quite a bit) and set up the old 2.8's. Sweetness! Right there in my room with the same equipment that was hooked to the C1's. The C1's are more accurate...or tighter images anyway, but they just don't involve me in the tunes. They are just drier and less 3D.. tighter, but less rounded images on a very large, stable and quiet stage, they are great for analyzing, but not great for falling into the music.....

I need monitors to continue in my marital bliss, so, I did some due diligence and am looking at these monitors below to get back to some soul in the music with a little more warmth and better timbre, but continued great stage, extension and detail. Any insight (or other suggestions) would be very appreciated.

Lipinski 707
Totem Mani-2 Sig
Escalante Pinyon

Also-rans include: Monitor Platinum PL100, Merlin TSM MXE, but they look fast and dry-ish like the C1's.

Thanks out there and enjoy the tunes!
I used to own the C1 which like others, consider them to be excellent. I owned them for about 2 years and got the audio itch to try something new. So, I got the SF Memento which sounded better than C1 in certain respects. A few months ago, I sold them and bought the Focal Diablo and I have no regret.
A word of caution. The Marten Dukes are not warm. They are very revealing, detailed and analytical with their ceramic drivers and probably sound a lot like the C1. The build quality is very good though.
Heard the Harbeth HL5s at RMAF. Might be just what you're looking for.
Very neutral, great midrange, great PRAT.

I beg to differ... What are you driving your set with?

I'm driving my Marten Dukes with Manley Labs Series 100 Mono's using circa 1960's Mullard EL34 tubes and Crimsom wires all around. It's one of the most life like speakers I've ever owned. Pure Magic!


I don't own the Dukes and heard it at a dealer. I had forgotten the amp he was using to drive the speakers at the time but it was a Scandinavian solid-state integrated. I highlighted about the Dukes being very revealing, detailed and analytical since the OP mentioned he needed more warmth. From my experience the Dukes' detail and high-frequency extension are either on par or better than the Dynaudio C1's, not warmer which the OP is seeking. Maybe your tube amps have provided some magic with the Dukes and made them less analytical, and the OP may want to try the Manley amps on the C1's instead of looking for some new speakers. I can imagine the magic and lifelike sound of the Dukes given some proper tube amplification since they do sound very lifelike even with the solid-state amp that I auditioned previously. It's just that they sound analytical with very extended high-frequencies during the time I listened to them.