Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...

I've been making many changes to my system lately and was thinking of changing out the Jolida Music Envoy for something better. Was hoping for some ideas here.
My system is as follows:
Classe CAM200 monoblocks
Linn LP12
Jolida JD100
Revel Ultima Studios
Velodyne FSR12 sub
Running Synergistic Research Tesla Precision interconnects from the preamp to a PVC, then Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator interconnects from the PVC to the monoblocks. Have the sub hooked up to the second output of the preamp.
Was thinking of spending around $3500 on something used. Most everything I have is used and I've been very pleased so far.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Thanks for the responses. I have some research to do.

As far as the PVC, I first inserted this into the system when I was powering it with a McCormack amp. The signal was making a popping sound, which called for attenuation. I now have the monoblocks, but like the PVC in the loop to adjust the signal where I can put the preamp volume control in the 10 -11 o'clock range when listening to either the turntable or CDP.

I had a Classe ss preamp some years back and that's what pretty much got me into the higher end. SS isn't out of the equation if the situation is right. I'm just figuring that the Jolida retailed around $1750, and I should get quite a bit more out of the system if I spend more. The only reason I can do this now is because my life partner, companion, best friend, and much better half, passed away the end of January. Just trying to find a little pleasure now. I'd gladly give it all away to have her back. Miss her so.

Looking into the responses this evening. Thanks again.
I've been doing a lot of searches and have found a Modwright LS 100 that looks like a good candidate so far...
I thoroughly enjoy mine using a NOS Philips 5r4a rectifier and black treasure cv181s