Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison


I am looking for new speakers for my system.

After auditioning many famous brands I found the Magico V2 to be simply outstanding in my system. This is the best speaker I have tried in my own listening room. The second speaker I was comparably impressed were old Guarneri Hommages. Other speakers I have tried did not impressed me or simply played bad.

The room is 20’ long and 13’ width. The amplifier is 60W Jadis JA-80.

For my room I prefer monitor speakers than floorstanding. Doeas anybody compared directly side by side Magico V2 and Magico Mini II? I am especially interested in bass preformane. Is Mini II has less bass than V2 it will not suits my taste. The bass of the V2 is just enough for my room.

If somebody compared new Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento with Magico Mini II I will be also grateful for opinion.
Hey Dave disrespect,but I have heard "that" box arguement on "so" many occassions I can't keep up with it!

In today's world,with the type of technology available,it is an "old news" story.A well designed box can be superb!!The Magico stuff is a testament to that...but...

Going further back in time(like the 1990's)the "original" Avalon company(headed by Charles Hanson,now of Ayre)made a speaker called the Ascent MK-II.It was imo,the original Magico(massive sealed cabinet,totally inert,and with amazing external crossovers,not to mention easy load on an amp,and stunning inner detail...."if set up well")and as of last year(when I sold my pair)it was about as good as a speaker got,"based on commensurate room size,and driving it properly",in a givin space.

It was tricky to get just right,but I swear that was "one great speaker".WAY ahead of itself,and those selling it(me included....but I was forced to)had no clue of how much more "it" could get out of a well matched system....."The box thing" was laughably a non issue,as it "is" with Magico and a few other top notch designs around today.

Personally,I like to be open minded,and favor some designs that fly under the radar....until they get a review and Kaboom,the prices go up!

I specifically remember recommending the Mini's to a particular poster(on this thread) about two years ago(just before the BIG reviews)because on paper it seemed superb(which it "is")but the fellow would not show any interest,until the press started to tout it,and it got the rave reviews.Just being a great design was not enough.

"Nothing wrong there,and human nature,I guess".

Yet it's nice to think outside the box(or non box) and consider the fact that there is a load of very fine products out there,if one has good buying instincts.

Boxes can be great!It's up to the mfgr to "do it" properly(but at that level they are expensive).Of course,one can argue for designs like Maggie,Martin Logan or Quad etc,and you'd not get an arguement from me.

I've heard it all,and am very open to anything that my taste -:)

Rather than criticize folks for being a bit contrary,it can also serve as a potential learning experience to "consider" the alternatives.

Then if something seems interesting,take it to another level and check out the website/design objective,and maybe scope out a source for an audition.Makes sense to me,and with today's escalating high end audio prices,the only approach I'll attempt.

Every speaker has drawbacks and limitations.

Buy/own the design which meets the budget, maintains matrimonial harmony, and maximizes your listening enjoyment.

I agree and have owned and enjoyed some very conventional designs. Acoustic instruments just seem to sound a bit more natural and uncompressed through say a planar speaker. It's all relative of course.
>>11-01-09: Dave_b
Acoustic instruments just seem to sound a bit more natural and uncompressed through say a planar speaker<<


But a bass drum or pipe organ won't.

Every speaker is a trade off of some sort.
I disagree, Bass drums never sounded so realistic. The lowest frequencies of the pipe organ however, are best handled by dynamic cones. Most of the dynamic capability of my Maggie 3.6R's were unexpected and a complete surprise. Still haven't recieved an answer as to the new crossover's mine have and how much of a difference they are making. Results probably vary greatly relative to the room one is loading with a planar.