Von Schweikert VR 3

Was wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with these. I would love to hear your comments and observations. Also, in comparison to Vandersteen 2C Sigs, are these better or worse?
I have a friend who owns the VR-3's and I have listened to them many many times. I have owned the Vandies and in my opinion, while the Vandies are excellent loudspeakers and virtually impossible to beat for the money, the VR-3's are in a whole other league, and well they should be as they cost considerably more than the Vandies, although that isn't always a guarantee of better sound. I did manage once, to convince my friend to bring his Von Swenkerts to my house to audition with my equipment which is very different than his. This was after I had replaced the 2Ci's but the VR-3's sounded much better in my system then I remember the Vandies ever sounding. Like I said a whole different league altogether.
I have a pair of VR3's and even though I moved up to VR4genIII's kept them for a spare system. The value of them used is far below the quality of their performance. Top to bottom they're excellent.
Owned a pair and found them hard to beat for price versus performance. High points- bass, imaging & transparency.
Low points - not beautiful. Need power to open up and sound their best. Wish I had kept them......
I have a pair here that a friend has been kind enough to let me demo. I'm driving them with an Mac Mc275 IV. I can't seem to dial these in. I have tried a number of different positions yet, they never disappear into the soundstage. There is always a distinct left/right channel sound. Tonally, they are accurate and clear. Do I need more power? Better placement? Or, is this just the character of these speakers? Thanks!