Looking for new speakers?

Greetings, I'm looking for some speakers that will shine even when placed really close to the rear wall. I'm working with only 4-8 inches of clearance. I have a Bel-Canto digital integrated amplifier 150/300 watts per channel and Polk Lsi9 speakers, but at such close proximity to the rear wall, they tend to sound bloated & boomy. I like jazz, r&b, top 40 kind of stuff. I'm looking to spend less than 5k.

Thanks for your time,

Mark :-)
Try a sealed box speaker with slow roll-off starting around 60 Hz. Examples: ATC SCM19, Merlin TSM, NHT Classic 3, Lipinski L 707.
Gradient Revolution, Carolina Audio JTM, Konus Audio Essence, Klipsch K-horn, or Cain and Cain WWWS ... 150w ss would be overkill for the last 2 though
Audio Note speakers are designed to be placed against the rear wall, although preferably in the corners.
An excellent speaker for this application would be the KCS Seas Exotic.
I have owned many speakers (including up to Audio Note ANE SEC silvers) and for the money, and well beyond they are winners.
I enjoyed my pair for over a year and sold them to a very experienced audiophile friend who was stunned by their performance.
They will work well close to the wall, look good and are very versatile with the amps they will mate with from low powered SET to SS designs.
A good set of stands will be mandatory but other than that they are very straight forward and provide truly exceptional sound and value.
John at KCS is also one of the really good guys in audio and a pleasure.
I have turned a few others onto these speakers and so far everyone has been very pleased