Avalon Eidolen VS Porac D80 or B&W 802D

I live in Azores, and I don't have the opportunity to hear speakears like Avalon Eidolen, Proac D80 and the B&W 802D.
I plan to buy one of these second-hand.
My auditions are on vinyl, and most of the time I hear jazz. From time to time also like to hear blues and old rock and roll.
Now I have the opportunity to buy the Avalon Eidolen (not the diamond).
Please appreciate that someone can help me to choose between this three speakers.
I hear that the Avalon only play classical music.
It's true?

Thank you.
No get the Avalon, MUCH better speaker than the others mentioned IMHO.

The Avalon when properly placed and driven will throw a HUGE soundstage with well defned holographic images. Tonally very neutral and detailed. The only area where the others might offer competition is in low bass reproduction.

good luck
Based upon the three speakers on your list, I agree with Buff. (Note: I have not heard the Proac D80 though.)

The Avalon Eidolon is a really special speaker. It sounds great, and works well for any music, not just classical, (although, I will admit, that it does sound fantastic when listening to classical). It is very transparent, and tonally is very neutral. It is not quite full range, but pretty close, especially if driven with a fair amount of power (say 200+ wpc). (FYI, they are so transparent, that if your upstream electronics are not top notch, it will reveal that, and therefore may not sound as good as they can sound. This is not a criticism, just a statement; Most, (all?), highly refined speakers exhibit this characteristic.) Also, notice what Buff said about being properly placed. The Eidolons like lots of space around them, so be prepared to pull them well into the room, and kept well away from the side walls.

The B&W 802D is also a very good speaker, with a very highly refined treble response of course. However, it is even less full range as the Eidolon is, nor is it as transparent, at least IMHO. This is certainly a good (and close) second choice, if you can not find a pair of Eidolons at a good price.

My two cents worth.
Hello Paulo,

No question in my mind, if you can get the Eidolon!

At the used prices they are selling for I don't think anything can touch them.

Good luck in your search.
