Speakers for Rock Music

I am looking to get a second pair of speakers for rock music.All my electronics are rotel.I currently have the B&W 683's but am looking for something that will kick butt for 70's and 80's rock.Looking for full range speakers with lots of bass.Price under 2000.00 and will buy used.Thanks
Shaunp: Just curious. Which Rotel CDP did you have that you now have upgraded and which one did you upgrade too? Thanks and all the best with your new 804's They are fantastic.
I sold the rcd 1072 and really did not upgrade as I am using a old Denon cdp that just is much better sounding to me.It was really just hard for me to enjoy the Rotel rcd 1072.To me it just sounded to cold and forward.The Denon on the other hand just lets the music flow.Of course there are better players out there but if its not broken why replace it.
I listen to most rock. The best speaker I've heard play rock music was the PMC TB2i, which I got to take home for a couple of days earlier this year. No harshness in the treble frequencies, a very rich sounding midrange, and nice full bass. A little closed in sounding. Not what I would have thought would be the best speaker for rock, but many rock CDs are bright and I don't need a speaker that exacerbates that. Everything sounded great coming out of the PMC. One day I will probably buy a pair.

I'm likely to buy a pair of Monitor Audio RS5 speakers soon, which will tide me over. I expect the same kind of performance out of those, perhaps a bit drier and detailed than the PMC however. I guess it all depends on what you want. Harsh treble is a big no-no for me, especially for rock music.
I bought a pair of PSB stratus golds here at Audiogon. Kept them a year and sold them and kept my upgraded OHM I's. They kick it with my Bryston 4BSST. You can get a fully upgraded pair from OHM. Mike