Toe-in or NOT toe-in ??

Anyone have any feelings in general ? Is it more speaker-specific than anything ?
part of it depends on if you have a rear port then the angle the port faces can really change the bass. otherwise most of my speakers pointed just outside of the respective ears - the exception is my Audio Note speakers which have the tweeters aim about 3 feet in front of my ears...

the pink things, use em!

just kidding :^D

have fun
If the speaker designer cannot be reached, try experimenting yourself. Only you can find out the results yourself. Bear in mind you may prefer the results when the speakers are toed-in while another might not like it and prefer them pointing straight ahead.
This is highly speaker dependent - well designed speakers (that do not beam like a flashlight at certain frequencies but flood the room evenly with all frequencies) will not really give two hoots for toe-in (except if the speaker is too close to a side wall).

The fact that toe-in has a huge impact for many speakers speaks volumes about the way they unevenly light up the room (to continue with the flashlight analogy).
Best to not listen to dogma. Every room is unique. You will know instantly when you try it. Ears rule over here-say.