Best pre-amp in an integrated

Hello all,

I am building my first hi-fi system on a budget and have a question for you:

For practical purposes, I will start with an integrated amplifier... just to get listening quickly. In the $1-3k range.

But if one day, I wanted to move to separates, is there an integrated amplifier with a pre-amp section that is so good that my best (most audible improvement-to-cost ratio) upgrade path would be to simply add a good power amplifier and use my integrated as a pre only?

Would love to hear Audiogon members' experience with using their integrated amplifier as a preamplifier when upgrading their system over the years.
I think the Rogue Sphinx at 1295.00 would be a nice choice. At 100 watts it will drive your speakers fine. You will have the extra cash leftover for nice speakers and stands.
In your price range, I don't think any integrated has an actual active preamp section. I believe it's only an amplifier with an attenuator to control the volume. Just get a nice integrated within your budget and don't worry about going to separates. You can cross that bridge when you get there.
It seems to me that your best approach might be to decide on speakers 1st. Then select a integrated that compliments them and your tastes. I would stick to an outboard DAC to afford you greater flexibility should you decide to upgrade. May need to consider a DSD capable one.
I am using a YBA passion 100 integrated for a preamp with my passion 600 power amp and it sounds excellent.