Best pre-amp in an integrated

Hello all,

I am building my first hi-fi system on a budget and have a question for you:

For practical purposes, I will start with an integrated amplifier... just to get listening quickly. In the $1-3k range.

But if one day, I wanted to move to separates, is there an integrated amplifier with a pre-amp section that is so good that my best (most audible improvement-to-cost ratio) upgrade path would be to simply add a good power amplifier and use my integrated as a pre only?

Would love to hear Audiogon members' experience with using their integrated amplifier as a preamplifier when upgrading their system over the years.
Speakers first, amp second, if possible an integrated and DAC in any combination. Then sources which may be the DAC alone or DAC/Pre. If you find an integrated that works magic with your speakers but has no DAC , obviously buy it and then add the DAC .
DACs are no longer a luxury of the technically advanced. I wanted to buy a demonstration "disc" today, only to learn that it was only available as a HD tracks album.
The reason I ask about the DAC+Power Combo Option rather than integrated+DAC (Rogue Sphinx + Schiit Bifrost) is also because I see things like this on Music Direct:

Fortunately/Unfortunately there are very many good products and combinations in your price range
The other variable here is how loud you typically listen to music and the size of your room.

I also agree, pick the speakers that you like best and build around them because there are so many variables in speakers that picking the amp first leaves too many choices.

You also mentioned the possibility of high efficiency speakers. They go best with very low powered tube amps, IMHO, mostly SETs. Personally, I think that is the best sounding combination of all, and will completely blow you away (hence my username). You would be extremely surprised at how loud 2-3 wpc can be with the right speakers. If it were me, I'd go for a 45 or 2A3 amp, some high efficiency speakers and separate DAC.