Anyone put Totem Forests on platforms?

The soundstage appears a bit low and I am thinking about putting them on maple platforms with something like hockey pucks underneath. Anybody raise these speakers? I tried putting them on books but it did not really given the unevenness of the books and the ball bearings under the claws. Thanks
Using the threaded spiked feet, have the front spikes threaded longer (higher) that the back spikes shorter (lower) which will cause the speakers to tilt upwards (rake) towards the listener.
Steve Blinderman made me some realy fantastic platforms for my Totem Forests that were quite inexepnsive (less than the Mapleshade solution, and custom made to the dimensions of the speakers and the finish I required). They had been sitting on carpet (with the built in "claws" isolation footers). The platforms substantially improved sound quality and the speakers actually looked better on the platforms. Also, I recommend mass loading the speakers. The mass loaded speakers on top of the stands were quite stable.
Maple is better than nothing buit I think it works best as shelving for racks.Compare it to cheap cement paving blocks which aren't as good (read they have different resonant frequency) and better more substantive stone like slate or marble.

If you have wood floors I would go with Soundanchors.Nothing beats getting isolation with points and some mass brought with heavy iron.Use large points in front and smaller ones in back.Call Bob Warzalla at SA,Nobody knows more about speaker stands and platforms than he does.
Uh...I'm an idiot. It's Steve Blinn, not Steve Blinderman (SORRY Steve!).

steveblinndesigns (dot) com

sblinn is his username on Audiogon.