
Can someone please provide some insight into the listening difference between the Vandersteen 1C and the 2CE? I am familar with the new signature 2CE's but they're out of my price range, so am thinking of these as preowned purchases.

No comparison. The IC throws a smaller soundstage, is less transparent and has nowhere near the bass of the 2CE.

Perhaps, but given a good amp (they are a bit amp finicky) the sound can be quite close. We found you also need to sit closer to the 1's than the 2's. The 1's are an extremely good buy if that's all you can afford. I can't remember any other thousand dollar speaker that gives you so much. Just remember the amp can make a big difference.
Own IC's. In my ears, they throw a "broad" soundstage which is very pleasant to listen to. Chashas1 is correct - Nearfield behaves much better. I've seen updates where the socks are removed, and a smaller ribbon tweeter is mounted on the top as well as repleacing the speakers with kevlar woven B&W parts. Offers you definition in the high/mid ranges. Do not exepect lots of base out of these. They need to be driven somewhat hard to sound good in my experience. To me, the best of its advantage is the "Broad" soundstage.
We have both these speakers. The 1C's were purchased used here and fill a living room with great sound with inexpensive NAD equipment. The 2CE signatures are in the den and sound fuller, warmer and yes, have more bass......more "there" there as they used to say in the magazines. HOwever, having said that, we listen to the 1c's for music more these days because of their location while the 2's in a larger space do double duty with the TV/blu ray. I don't think you can go wrong with either one of these all around good performers.