Active Speaker Recommendation

Looking for a "modern" styled active speaker in a bookshelf size to connect to an Apple TV for casual listening. Any recommendations? Budget is under 1K. I have a very high end main system but want something accessible to everyone else in the house. Needs to be placed near a wall.
Lots of good suggestions here. NHT M-OO and S-00 might be good is the speakers are right up against a wall (provided you can move the sub out into the room a little.
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Thanks to everyone for the recommendations. I am going to use it for a fairly large space & will be stand mounting the speakers. I won't be using them as a desktop system (I wish, but way too many phone calls). That being said, these all sound easy to listen to so that might be what I do. I wouldn't mind more recommendations. Once again thanks.
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B&H won't have them to listen to but I can pick them up easily enough. Heard some Adam speakers. Very high end but wasn't so impressed. I am definitely going to listen.