Active Speaker Recommendation

Looking for a "modern" styled active speaker in a bookshelf size to connect to an Apple TV for casual listening. Any recommendations? Budget is under 1K. I have a very high end main system but want something accessible to everyone else in the house. Needs to be placed near a wall.
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B&H won't have them to listen to but I can pick them up easily enough. Heard some Adam speakers. Very high end but wasn't so impressed. I am definitely going to listen.
Dynaudio make a Focus 110A that might work, thought I have no idea what the cost is. May be too much. THey also make other models in the past that may be still available. I seem to recall a Audience 42 model or something.
AVI adm9 or 9.1 show up used on occasion for around $1k. These have an integrated dac and analog preamp with remote built in. To say they are stellar is a massive understatement.

Quad 12l active is formidable in this class.

For true pro monitors you have the adam a7 with a ribbon tweeter and the dynaudio bm5a. These are often regarded as the best monitors under $1k by the pro audio guys.

All of these are incredible speakers that will trounce "audiophile" designs well over this price point. I congratulate you on going down this road. I spent so many years of wasted time buying traditional gear before I realized that buying active pro stuff delivered so much more.
B&H also have the Yamaha MSP 7 for a very,very good price.Yamaha and VXT6 would be my first choice. Above that,check the new Focal CMS 50.