Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2

I currently have the Thiel 7.2 and am thinking about upgrading. Has anyone compared these two speakers in your own system or in a familiar environment? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
You might consider changing the amp out to something like a Krell FPB 400cx, 450mcx, 700cx, or 750mcx to get the most out of those speakers; simply: they need current. These amps will get more out of your speakers than the Lamm.

Levinson, McCormick, Pass and Rowland also are candidate designs; just be sure the amp doubles power into halved loads at least down to 2 Ohms.

Also, I guarantee that if you move away from Thiel, you will eventually miss them and move back. Mark my words, I speak from experience. Once their time and phase coherence gets into you, no other design will suffice.
My Lamm M2.2 is very powerful. I am using its 4-ohm tap and it drives the 7.2 successfully. I don't think it was the amp. I do think the 7.2's high is not as dynamic as its bass. Reviewers already pointed that out. It really doesn't bother me much though. I am just thinking the newer technology and the new beryllium tweeter may improve upon the Thiel.

I may just get the Salon2 and do my own review and keep the one I like with my current setup.
If you are really considering a pair of Salon 2s and your dealer will not arrange for an in-home audition, then send him packing. Would you sit in an automobile and coast it around a parking lot then say "$80,000.00, I'll take it!" ? What the heck happened to service and dedication to the customer? I guess your dealer either has too much money or not enough people and service skills to understand how he can gain your commerce for life with the right kind of in home demo. Assuming that you would in-fact BE a loyal customer after getting exemplary service.
I can honestly say I would be apalled at any retailer who would not allow in home trials on ANY $20,000.00 + item. Shame on them.
IMO, a dealer is not obligated to bring a heavy piece of equipment for home demo. Speakers are fragile and one risks damaging them with any move. The packing, transport, unpacking, installation, demo, packing, transport, unpacking, reinstallation can be two days work. And this would be for maybe a 5-10% chance at a sale? There is no way I would do this if I were a dealer. A dealer should help accomodate a reasonable listening experience in a showroom, provide support and set-up for his local customers, for sure. Maybe if someone was 90% sure of purchase, but had a significant concern regarding home placement based upon room constraints or some other obstacle that would prevent a sale, then perhaps.

In my experience, dealers will allow some equipment to go home for a demo for a deposit and restock fee. For their effort and risk, I think this is reasonable.
For light weight (easty to pack & unpack) items such as cables, preamp, CD player, phonostages, small bookshelfs and power cords, most dealers are willing to let you borrow with a credit number or some sort of deposits. I did that many times before. I don't blame them for not letting me borrow the Salon2. They did spent the time setting up the Salon2 and other associated equipment for my demo in a dedicated room without interruption. Overall, I am happy with the dealer's effort.